🦅🏀 SJEL Boys @ Oakesdale Saturday, 2/8. Game time 4:30 p.m.
Updated Brackets:
BOYS: https://www.wpanetwork.com/wiaa/brackets/tournament.php?act=view&tournament_id=4608&school_year=2024-25&district=6&sport=3&class=0
GIRLS: https://www.wpanetwork.com/wiaa/brackets/tournament.php?act=view&tournament_id=4609&school_year=2024-25&district=6&sport=12&class=0

🦅🏀 Bear Brewer Earns State Athlete Of The Week Award After Scoring 48 In A Game. Congratulations, Bear!
#sjehs #sjelathletics

There will be NO MS volleyball practice on Friday, February 7.

🔎🥼Impromptu Calf Dissection

❄️ Recess Fun

🦅🐴 SJE Equestrian Team

🦅⛑️ SJE HS freshman health class gaining their CPR/First Aid/AED certification.

🏀 2025 Southeast 1B Boys Basketball Tournament
Thursday, February 6 - Saturday, February 15
Boys Bracket: https://www.wpanetwork.com/wiaa/brackets/tournament.php?act=view&tournament_id=4608&school_year=2024-25&district=6&sport=3&class=0
Girls Bracket: https://www.wpanetwork.com/wiaa/brackets/tournament.php?act=view&tournament_id=4609&school_year=2024-25&district=6&sport=12&class=0

🍳 🥪 St. John School February Menus: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jbNMQioa0fR5OjexUtVQIQFwJf8XPYB-/view?usp=sharing

Endicott Reminders and Announcements

🦅🏀 Please join us to celebrate our seniors on Tuesday, 1/28! SJEL vs Pomeroy in St. John *This game and concessions will be cash or check only (no cards will be accepted)*
Game times: Boys JV 4:30, Girls V 6:00, Boys V 7:30

Please see the attached Little Guy Wrestling information sheet. If your child(ren) is interested, please take them to the Parent Meeting on January 27 at 6:00 PM in the Colfax High School Cafeteria

🌾💛 Great job by SJE FFA members at the District 6 leadership contest yesterday! The Agricultural Issues team placed 2nd with a presentation on foreign land ownership and Olivia Shawgo placed 4th in the Employment Skills contest. Both will move on to compete at State in May!

🏆 St. John Elementary
Semester 1 Awards Assembly
Friday, 1/31 @ 8:45 a.m.
St. John Elementary Gym
*Please contact your student's teacher with questions.


Mr. Maloney's Engineering class having a bridge building competition. The middle school students were to create a wooden bridge to hold the most mass without breaking. #Wildcats #Bettertogether

Updated MS Volleyball Schedule 1/10/25

🐴 Support the SJE WAHSET team!

Tomorrow, Wednesday, 1/15/25, is an early release (12:00 PM) for teacher inservice.

Science Fair 2025: There's still time to be involved in the science fair on March 6. It is open to kids K-8. Contact Rae Maloney for more details. rmaloney@sjeschools.org